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︎Surya Gied’s Godori - Battle of Flowers, Suza Husse, curator of the exhibition Godori - Battle of Flowers, Museum Reinickendorf 1.4. - 22.5.2022

︎Surya Gieds Godori - Kampf der Blumen, Suza Husse, Kurator*in der Ausstellung Godori - Kampf der Blumen, Museum Reinickendorf 1.4. - 22.5.2022

︎Ismen interessieren nicht, Bonaventure Soh Bejeng Ndikung/ Kunstforum International Band 268 Juni-Juli 2020 / Interview by Larissa Kikol (german)

︎Press kit / Solo Exhibition, Looking Into the Distance Becomes Difficult, Galerie Wedding 2017

︎Abstraktes und gegenständliches Dazwischensein, 31.8.2017, article TAZ Berlin (german)

︎Appropriating Space through Site-specificity  by Bonaventure Soh Bejeng Ndikung (PhD) /  Geumchoen art Space, Seoul, South Korea catalogue text, 2013

︎Almost all Paintings are Spatial in One Way or Another by Nico Anklam / Goldrausch Berlin, catalogue text, 2011 (german)