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lives and works in Berlin, Germany

2008 MfA, Class of Prof. Valérie Favre, University of the Arts, Berlin
2001-2007 Fine Arts, University of the Arts, Berlin

2024  Prof*me Mentoring program of the University of the Arts Berlin  for
highly qualified female artists and scientists on their way to a professorship
2023  Artist Residence
/ German Academy Rome Casa Baldi 
2022   Grant
/ Neustart Kultur, Kunstfond Bonn
2022   Grant / Pollock-Krasner Foundation, NYC
2021   Award / Dieter-Ruckhaberle-Award 2021, Berlin
2021   Grant / Neustart Kultur, VG Bild-Kunst
Research Scholarship / Berlin Senate Department for Culture and Europe
2015   Project grant
/ Robert Bosch Foundation Alumni Association / Washington DC, USA
2013   Artist Residence / Seoul Art Space Geumcheon / Seoul, South Korea
2013   Project grant / Goethe Institute Seoul / Seoul - South Korea
2011   Professional training / Goldrausch Künstlerinenprojekt art IT / Berlin
2009 Grant / German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) / Seoul, South Korea

Solo Shows
2025 Kunstverein Kassel (upcoming) 
Godori - Battle of Flowers / Museum Reinickendorf, Berlin
Seeking Clarity in the Midst of Density / Recitation Gallery,  University of Delaware / Delaware, USA
2017 Looking into the Distance Becomes Difficult II / Galerie Wedding , Berlin
2015 Looking into the Distance Becomes Difficult I / Hillyer Art Space, Washington DC, USA
2014 Sei a jode Jung! (Be a good boy!) / Unity Gallery, Fairfield IA, USA
2012 This Is Original Korean Paper / Infernoesque, Berlin

Group Shows
Forgive Us Our Trespasses / Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Berlin
BlickBlick / Galerie Hyle, Hamburg
EKBO - art auction / Berlin
Festa dell‘Arte / Villa Massimo / Rome
Spazi Aperti / Romanian Academy / Rome
Langzeitbelichtung - 25 Jahre Künstlerhof Frohnau / Rathaus Galerie Reinickendorf / Berlin
Lernen von der Karl-Marx-Straße / in collaboration with Kerstin Honeit / Horse & Pony / Berlin
The Spatial Turn / in collaboration with Constanza Mendoza / Kreuzberg Pavillon / Berlin
ALLES! II /  studio im HOCHHAUS / Berlin
Curatorial Part Uno / Alte Münze / Berlin
ALLES! / studio im HOCHHAUS / Berlin
THE LONG RUN :: Painting out of Time / SPACE Gallery / Pittsburgh, USA
Vacancies! / Galerie Wedding / Berlin
Knock Knock / Lovey Town / Madison, WI, USA
Arranged Marriage / Public Space One / Iowa City, USA
Pyeong Chang Biennale / Pyeong Chang / South Korea
SLIPPING GLIMPSE / Unity Gallery / Fairfield IA, USA
Open Studio / Seoul Art Space_Geumcheon / Seoul, South Korea
RE-MADE / RE-USED / REH Kunst / Berlin
In Motion / Korean Embassy / Berlin
Non Space / Savvy Contemporary / Berlin
boesner art award (Shortlist), Märkisches Museum Witten
Positioning Osmotic Impulses / former prison Neukölln / Berlin
SNO@BHO / Ballhaus Ost / Berlin
Fast and Furious Goldrausch 2011 / Halle am Wasser / Berlin
Nomadic Settlers – Settled Nomads / Kunstraum Kreuzberg/Bethanien / Berlin
from the nipple to the bottle never satisfied / Nadania Idriss Contemporary / Berlin
99 / Im Namen des Raumes / Berlin
RAMPE / parkhaus projects / Berlin
FensterFrontFestival / Theorie- und Praxisgemeinschaft Fahimi / Berlin
Iowa goes Nuts / Beauty Shop / Fairfield IA, USA
Projekt für die Gegenwart / Haus am Lützowplatz / Berlin
Wir können auch anders / Bourouina Gallery / Berlin
The eternal reoccurrence of everything / workspace / Los Angeles
Constructs Assemblage No.4 Wallwork Olivier Mosset / SNO / Sydney, Australia
I wish myself an exhibition… / West Germany / Berlin
Don´t Bump your Neighbor / Niche Berlin / Berlin
Pancake Astronaut / The Forgotten Bar Project / Berlin
Conscience and Frontiers / Alte Post Neukölln / Berlin
In Flux / The Door Gallery / Seoul, South Korea
6from4 / NSpace Gallery / Seoul, South Korea
Unité / Infernoesque / Berlin
MFA exhibition / University of the Arts Berlin

2024 Mario Merz Prize
ZF-Kunststiftung Scholarship 2022 / Friedrichshafen
Artist Residence / Goethe-Institut Salvador-Bahia / Vila Sul 2021 / Brazil
2017 Villa Romana-Prize / Italy
2016 Schering Stiftung Art Award / Berlin
2012 Shortlist Boesner Art Award / Witten

2024 Lecturer for painting / Bard College Berlin
Art educator / Bode Museum Berlin
2019 - 2020 Lecturer for painting and drawing / CODE University Berlin
2017 - 2019 
MA Fine Art Course / Painting class with Dierk Schmidt / Kunsthochschule Kassel, Germany
2018 - 2019 MA Fine Art Course / KizK class with Pauline Curnier Jardin / Kunsthochschule Kassel, Germany
2016 - 2018 Assistant Lecturer / Department of Architecture, BAU KUNST ERFINDEN / Universität Kassel, Germany
2013 - 2015 Assistant Professor / Department of Fine Art / MIU / Iowa,  Fairfield, USA
2014 Lecture / Chicago Art Institute / Chicago, USA
2009 Visiting Artist / Seoul National University / Seoul, South Korea

2021   Mutual Matters / Goldrausch 2021 / Fahrbereitschaft - haubrok foundation
  Sirene / Goldrausch 2020 / Kunstraum Kreuzberg Berlin
2017  history ASAP / Kunstraum Düsseldorf / Düsseldorf
2016 Knock Knock / Lovey Town Gallery / Berlin
2013 - 2015 Curator and Gallery Director / Unity Gallery / Iowa, USA
2010 I wish myself an exhibition / West-Germany - Büro für postmoderne Kommunikation / Berlin
2010 - 2012 Member of Theorie- und Praxisgemeinschaft Dr. Fahimi / Berlin
2009 Pancake Astronaut / The forgotten Bar Project / Berlin

2022 Godori / artist book / Künstlerhof Frohnau
POW/UP / exhibition catalogue / Galerie Wedding Berlin
2017 Looking into the Distance Becomes Difficult II / exhibition brochure / Galerie Wedding Berlin
2016 Knock Knock / exhibition catalogue / Lovey Town gallery / Madison, WI, USA
2015 Till Cremer - Berlin Artists / Kerber Verlag, Bielefeld 
2015 Looking Into The Distance Becomes Difficult / exhibition brochure / Hillyer ArtSpace / Washington DC, USA
2015 Pyeong Chang Biennale / exhibition catalogue / Pyeong Chang, South- Korea
2014 Tenwordsandoneshot Volume IV  / Eltville
2013 Seoul Art Space Geumcheon / exhibition catalogue / South-Korea
2012 Positioning Osmotic Impulses / exhibition catalogue / SAVVY Contemporary Berlin
2011 Surya Gied, Jetzt / exhibition catalogue / Goldrausch Berlin
2011 Nomadic Settlers - Settled Nomads / exhibition catalogue / Kunstraum Kreuzberg
2009 Consciences and Frontiers / exhibition catalogue / SAVVY Contemporary Berlin